Rainfall in the period ending on the 18th September saw little significant rainfall recorded across Australia, with the exception of parts of south west Western Australia and in isolated pockets of North Queensland.  This, combined with warm day temperatures has continued to influence the national feedbase, with noticeable changes in areas such as the NSW Hunter, North West Slopes and into south west Queensland.  


In the week ending 16 September 2023, there are noticeable changes in Total Standing Dry Matter with significant reductions to levels of TSDFM of 500kg DM / HA and below in expanding areas of western Qld, south western Qld, western NSW, northern SA and Western Australia.

This is noted by the increase in area shaded amber and red in the adjoining image.

Although TSDM in northern Australia has remained in reasonably higher levels than other regions, there has been notable reductions in the areas of northern Barkly and the Qld Gulf regions.


The Seasonal Comparison of Total Standing Dry Matter indicates an expansion of regions with 40% or below the long-term averages of total standing DRY Matter.  Across the Nort East Regions of SA, including the pastoral regions, much of western Australia and expanding areas of southwest Queensland and north west NSW are now below long term average of total standing dry matter for September.



Pasture Biomass Growth events (as indicated by Fractional Cover) reflect the increase in winter crop growth through central NSW, Victoria, and Southwest WA.  The area of active growth (green shading) has increased noticeably in these areas in the past two weeks. 

Tasmania and the Eyre Peninsula and south-eastern SA also show strong signs of spring pasture and crop growth.


The portion of green Dry Matter within the Total Amount of Dry Matter available has continued to decline.  Over the two weeks from 4 September to 16 September, the areas where green material is less than 250kg DM / Ha has increased in central and north west NSW, across South Australia, Western Australia and south western and western Queensland. 

In southern Australia despite growth from crops and some spring growth, the amount of green Dry matter in pastures is continue to remain within the range of 500 – 1250kg/ DM / Ha.


The contribution of Dead Material to total Dry Standing Material amounts remains significant in most areas of the nation.

However, the total amount of dead material (kg/DM/HA) has significantly declined in the Queensland Downs, Central NSW, Victoria, South Australia and south west Western Australia. 

The decline in Dead Standing Dry Matter combined with low levels of Green Dry Matter are the principal reasons for the overall reduction in the national feedbase levels in the past 14 days.


National Ground Cover levels (30 day rolling average) show that despite significant reductions in the amounts of Total Standing Dry Matter, areas that have large areas of bare ground (less than 60% ground cover or less) are confined to the arid regions of central Australia, the channel country of western Qld and the Pilbara and Gascoyne in Western Australia. However, parts of Western NSW and Central Queensland are indicting a trend towards falling ground cover and an increase in bare ground.

The Cibo Labs National Comparison can be used to freely access these layers to view the most recent images from a national, state or catchment level. This tool can complement the Australian Feedbase Monitor which can also be created within the Cibo Labs Web Site