Issued 10th October 2023
While it is notable that areas of the Northern Territory, Kimberley Region in Western Australia and the Gulf Country of Queensland continue to have biomass levels above 1700kg/DM/Ha the overall area where this applies has contracted in the last two weeks. Late and isolated thunderstorms in central Victoria and the Riverina in NSW have resulted in some areas of growth and increases in Total Standing Dry Matter. A similar pattern of response to storms is notable across North Queensland.
Pasture Biomass Growth events (as indicated by Fractional Cover) indicate little change in growth across the continent. Areas that have received rainfall in the past two weeks have continued to see pasture growth events, however, the inland regions largely comprise of non growing or non-photosynthesising biomass.
The combined impact of low rainfall, heat events and some late frosts have reduced the levels of Green Standing Dry Material very noticeably across NSW and into central Victoria.
Areas in southern NSW that previously had in excess of 1700kg Green Standing Dry Matter / Ha, have now decreased significantly. This is noticeable in the western Riverina and south west slopes.
In the Northern Territory levels of Green Standing Dry Matter / Ha have also fallen particularly across the Barkly and Victoria River regions.
Levels of Dead Standing Dry Matter have fallen significantly across NSW, southwestern Queensland, and western Australia.
In NSW there is on average less than 1000kg Dead Standing Dry Matter / Ha across all regions. In Victoria the amount of Dead Dry Standing Material is lower again, averaging below 500Kg/DM /Ha. While in the north, the areas where Dead Dry Standing Dry Material exceed 1750kg/Ha are confined to smaller areas of the eastern Barkly.
The decline in Dead Standing Dry Matter combined with low levels of Green Dry Matter are the principal reasons for the continued reduction in the national feedbase levels in the past 14 days.
The Cibo Labs National Comparison can be used to freely access these layers to view the most recent images from a national, state or catchment level. This tool can complement the Australian Feedbase Monitor which can also be created within the Cibo Labs Web Site