Winter rainfall across eastern Australia and in southwest Western Australia has made a significant difference to growing conditions. Rainfall totals in excess of 100mm for the month have allowed the feedbase to respond with early growth and a general increase in...
The national feedbase imagery from the 18th of May shows the continued accumulation of biomass across the northern portion of the Northern Territory and Northwest areas of Queensland. It is evident that the drawn-out wet season and milder conditions in the recent...
Conditions throughout April have continued to reflect the seasonal events that have dominated recent months. Northern and Eastern Australia show high levels of growth and biomass accumulation, a result if a strong wet season and high levels of rainfall along the...
Producer Profile - Peter & Jennifer Ipenkendez Peter & Jennifer operate a small self-replacing merino enterprise in the ACT. They normally run their flock on a 150Ha land parcel and have access to a number of lease hold areas that are managed for conservation...
National biomass levels continue to be dominated by the high levels of growth in northern Australia. A significant portion of the Northern Territory, Queensland Gulf regions and eastern Kimberley region have areas with Total Standing Dry Matter exceeding 5,000kg/Ha. ...